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Maximizing your startup's impact at networking events: 3 essential tips

May 21, 2024
2 min to read
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Networking events can be a goldmine for startups, offering a plethora of opportunities to connect, learn, and grow. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, making the most of these events requires strategic planning and execution. Here are three essential tips to ensure your startup stands out and flourishes at networking events this year:

1. Prepare thoroughly: Build your contact database

Before diving into the hustle and bustle of the event, take the time to compile a comprehensive contact database. This should include not only fellow startups but also exhibitors, partners, investors, sponsors, speakers, and anyone else associated with the event. You never know which connection might lead to a valuable partnership, collaboration, or even investment. By reaching out to a diverse array of individuals, you increase your chances of finding unexpected opportunities that could propel your startup forward.

2. Plan strategic meetups and meetings

Time is precious at networking events, so it's crucial to plan your schedule wisely. Organize meetups and meetings before, during, and after the event to ensure you're making the most of every moment. Encourage each team member attending to engage with different stakeholders, regardless of their role within the company. Whether it's a developer chatting with a potential technology partner or a marketer connecting with a prospective client, every interaction holds the potential for valuable insights and connections. By leveraging the collective power of your team, you maximize your reach and impact at the event.

3. Explore auxiliary events and meetups

While the main event may be the focal point, don't overlook the auxiliary events and meetups happening around the city. Oftentimes, some of the most meaningful connections and deals are made in more casual settings, such as bars or restaurants, after the formal proceedings have ended. Take advantage of these opportunities to network in a more relaxed environment and forge genuine relationships with fellow attendees. Keep an eye out for events organized by partners and sponsors, as they can provide additional avenues for networking and collaboration.

How zealy can help your startup shine

At zealy, we understand the importance of maximizing your presence at networking events while staying true to your unique identity and goals. That's why we offer "CMO as a Service," revolutionary approach to marketing that empowers startups to build effective strategies while growing their business. Our platform provides access to a dedicated Chief Marketing Officer without the hassle and high costs of hiring someone in-house, with added service offerings that you can turn off & on again or replace with the services you only need at that moment, helping you unleash your startup's full potential.

Try out our free marketing strategy designer on our website to see how we could help you get a custom marketing strategy made for you. 

Or come say Hi to our team at the following events to learn more on how we could help you grow exponentially:

  • Viva Technology in Paris,FR (May 22-25, 2024)
  • Upstream in Rotterdam, NL (May 28, 2024)
  • FOA in Barcelona,ES (June 6, 2024)
  • TechBBQ in Copenhagen,DK  (September 11-12, 2024)
  • Ai/Big Data Expo EU in Amsterdam,NL (October 1-2, 2024)
  • Startup Nights in Winterthur,CH (October 31 - November 1, 2024)
  • Slush in Helsinki,FI (November 20-21, 2024)

You can always drop a quick message to me at to find out about how we can support your startup's journey to success.

Remember, networking events are more than just opportunities to exchange business cards—they're chances to forge meaningful connections, explore new possibilities, and propel your startup to new heights. With the right preparation and mindset, you can turn every event into a stepping stone towards your entrepreneurial goals.

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